GTA SA:MP RGB Colors List
Color Name | RGB CODE | HEX # | Sample |
Snow | 255-250-250 | fffafa | |
Snow 2 | 238-233-233 | eee9e9 | |
Snow 3 | 205-201-201 | cdc9c9 | |
Snow 4 | 139-137-137 | 8b8989 | |
Ghost White | 248-248-255 | f8f8ff | |
White Smoke | 245-245-245 | f5f5f5 | |
Gainsboro | 220-220-220 | dccdc | |
Floral White | 255-250-240 | fffaf0 | |
Old Lace | 253-245-230 | fdf5e6 | |
Linen | 240-240-230 | faf0e6 | |
Antique White | 250-235-215 | faebd7 | |
Antique White 2 | 238-223-204 | eedfcc | |
Antique White 3 | 205-192-176 | cdc0b0 | |
Antique White 4 | 139-131-120 | 8b8378 | |
Papaya Whip | 255-239-213 | ffefd5 | |
Blanched Almond | 255-235-205 | ffebcd | |
Bisque | 255-228-196 | ffe4c4 | |
Bisque 2 | 238-213-183 | eed5b7 | |
Bisque 3 | 205-183-158 | cdb79e | |
Bisque 4 | 139-125-107 | 8b7d6b | |
Peach Puff | 255-218-185 | ffdab9 | |
Peach Puff 2 | 238-203-173 | eecbad | |
Peach Puff 3 | 205-175-149 | cdaf95 | |
Peach Puff 4 | 139-119-101 | 8b7765 | |
Navajo White | 255-222-173 | ffdead | |
Moccasin | 255-228-181 | ffe4b5 | |
Cornsilk | 255-248-220 | fff8dc | |
Cornsilk 2 | 238-232-205 | eee8dc | |
Cornsilk 3 | 205-200-177 | cdc8b1 | |
Cornsilk 4 | 139-136-120 | 8b8878 | |
Ivory | 255-255-240 | fffff0 | |
Ivory 2 | 238-238-224 | eeeee0 | |
Ivory 3 | 205-205-193 | cdcdc1 | |
Ivory 4 | 139-139-131 | 8b8b83 | |
Lemon Chiffon | 255-250-205 | fffacd | |
Seashell | 255-245-238 | fff5ee | |
Seashell 2 | 238-229-222 | eee5de | |
Seashell 3 | 205-197-191 | cdc5bf | |
Seashell 4 | 139-134-130 | 8b8682 | |
Honeydew | 240-255-240 | f0fff0 | |
Honeydew 2 | 244-238-224 | e0eee0 | |
Honeydew 3 | 193-205-193 | c1cdc1 | |
Honeydew 4 | 131-139-131 | 838b83 | |
Mint Cream | 245-255-250 | f5fffa | |
Azure | 240-255-255 | f0ffff | |
Alice Blue | 240-248-255 | f0f8ff | |
Lavender | 230-230-250 | e6e6fa | |
Lavender Blush | 255-240-245 | fff0f5 | |
Misty Rose | 255-228-225 | ffe4e1 | |
White | 255-255-255 | ffffff | |
Color Name | RGB CODE | HEX # | Sample |
Black | 0-0-0 | 000000 | |
Dark Slate Gray | 49-79-79 | 2f4f4f | |
Dim Gray | 105-105-105 | 696969 | |
Slate Gray | 112-138-144 | 708090 | |
Light Slate Gray | 119-136-153 | 778899 | |
Gray | 190-190-190 | bebebe | |
Light Gray | 211-211-211 | d3d3d3 | |
Color Name | RGB CODE | HEX # | Sample |
Midnight Blue | 25-25-112 | 191970 | |
Navy | 0-0-128 | 000080 | |
Cornflower Blue | 100-149-237 | 6495ed | |
Dark Slate Blue | 72-61-139 | 483d8b | |
Slate Blue | 106-90-205 | 6a5acd | |
Medium Slate Blue | 123-104-238 | 7b68ee | |
Light Slate Blue | 132-112-255 | 8470ff | |
Medium Blue | 0-0-205 | 0000cd | |
Royal Blue | 65-105-225 | 4169e1 | |
Blue | 0-0-255 | 0000ff | |
Dodger Blue | 30-144-255 | 1e90ff | |
Deep Sky Blue | 0-191-255 | 00bfff | |
Sky Blue | 135-206-250 | 87ceeb | |
Light Sky Blue | 135-206-250 | 87cefa | |
Steel Blue | 70-130-180 | 4682b4 | |
Light Steel Blue | 176-196-222 | b0c4de | |
Light Blue | 173-216-230 | add8e6 | |
Powder Blue | 176-224-230 | b0e0e6 | |
Pale Turquoise | 175-238-238 | afeeee | |
Dark Turquoise | 0-206-209 | 00ced1 | |
Medium Turquoise | 72-209-204 | 48d1cc | |
Turquoise | 64-224-208 | 40e0d0 | |
Cyan | 0-255-255 | 00ffff | |
Light Cyan | 224-255-255 | e0ffff | |
Cadet Blue | 95-158-160 | 5f9ea0 | |
Color Name | RGB CODE | HEX # | Sample |
Medium Aquamarine | 102-205-170 | 66cdaa | |
Aquamarine | 127-255-212 | 7fffd4 | |
Dark Green | 0-100-0 | 006400 | |
Dark Olive Green | 85-107-47 | 556b2f | |
Dark Sea Green | 143-188-143 | 8fbc8f | |
Sea Green | 46-139-87 | 2e8b57 | |
Medium Sea Green | 60-179-113 | 3cb371 | |
Light Sea Green | 32-178-170 | 20b2aa | |
Pale Green | 152-251-152 | 98fb98 | |
Spring Green | 0-255-127 | 00ff7f | |
Lawn Green | 124-252-0 | 7cfc00 | |
Chartreuse | 127-255-0 | 7fff00 | |
Medium Spring Green | 0-250-154 | 00fa9a | |
Green Yellow | 173-255-47 | adff2f | |
Lime Green | 50-205-50 | 32cd32 | |
Yellow Green | 154-205-50 | 9acd32 | |
Forest Green | 34-139-34 | 228b22 | |
Olive Drab | 107-142-35 | 6b8e23 | |
Dark Khaki | 189-183-107 | bdb76b | |
Khaki | 240-230-140 | f0e68c | |
Color Name | RGB CODE | HEX # | Sample |
Pale Goldenrod | 238-232-170 | eee8aa | |
Light Goldenrod Yellow | 250-250-210 | fafad2 | |
Light Yellow | 255-255-224 | ffffe0 | |
Yellow | 255-255-0 | ffff00 | |
Gold | 255-215-0 | ffd700 | |
Light Goldenrod | 238-221-130 | eedd82 | |
Goldenrod | 218-165-32 | daa520 | |
Dark Goldenrod | 184-134-11 | b8860b | |
Color Name | RGB CODE | HEX # | Sample |
Rosy Brown | 188-143-143 | bc8f8f | |
Indian Red | 205-92-92 | cd5c5c | |
Saddle Brown | 139-69-19 | 8b4513 | |
Sienna | 160-82-45 | a0522d | |
Peru | 205-133-63 | cd853f | |
Burlywood | 222-184-135 | deb887 | |
Beige | 245-245-220 | f5f5dc | |
Wheat | 245-222-179 | f5deb3 | |
Sandy Brown | 244-164-96 | f4a460 | |
Tan | 210-180-140 | d2b48c | |
Chocolate | 210-105-30 | d2691e | |
Firebrick | 178-34-34 | b22222 | |
Brown | 165-42-42 | a52a2a | |
Color Name | RGB CODE | HEX # | Sample |
Dark Salmon | 233-150-122 | e9967a | |
Salmon | 250-128-114 | fa8072 | |
Light Salmon | 255-160-122 | ffa07a | |
Orange | 255-165-0 | ffa500 | |
Dark Orange | 255-140-0 | ff8c00 | |
Coral | 255-127-80 | ff7f50 | |
Light Coral | 240-128-128 | f08080 | |
Tomato | 255-99-71 | ff6347 | |
Orange Red | 255-69-0 | ff4500 | |
Red | 255-0-0 | ff0000 | |
Color Name | RGB CODE | HEX # | Sample |
Hot Pink | 255-105-180 | ff69b4 | |
Deep Pink | 255-20-147 | ff1493 | |
Pink | 255-192-203 | ffc0cb | |
Light Pink | 255-182-193 | ffb6c1 | |
Pale Violet Red | 219-112-147 | db7093 | |
Maroon | 176-48-96 | b03060 | |
Medium Violet Red | 199-21-133 | c71585 | |
Violet Red | 208-32-144 | d02090 | |
Violet | 238-130-238 | ee82ee | |
Plum | 221-160-221 | dda0dd | |
Orchid | 218-112-214 | da70d6 | |
Medium Orchid | 186-85-211 | ba55d3 | |
Dark Orchid | 153-50-204 | 9932cc | |
Dark Violet | 148-0-211 | 9400d3 | |
Blue Violet | 138-43-226 | 8a2be2 | |
Purple | 160-32-240 | a020f0 | |
Medium Purple | 147-112-219 | 9370db | |
Thistle | 216-191-216 | d8bfd8 | |
Doesnt works
ReplyDeleteIt's your fault. All of these codes are working. :D
DeleteItu yang ada garis - juga di tulis ya apa cuma diambil angka depan aja misal 255-64-12 nah apa cuma diambil depan doang apa semua harus ditulis?
Deleteyes it doesn't work
DeleteFF00FF is not here
ReplyDeletehow to use this?
ReplyDeletehi all , fk u sohib :D i'm rulster
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ReplyDeletenot me bro
DeleteI'm gay
ReplyDeleteI know
Deletewe know
Deletewe know
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ReplyDeletePlz tell me the hex code of these color plzz,,
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